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I am Lia,
a Swiss creative soul
with a curious mind,
a passion for tea, chocolate
and artichokes (not together)

My journey is right around the corner

Welcome to you, traveler and curious follower

Discover my journey

This is my quest of the life I want. I like to share with you how I loose myself in order to find something that resonates more with my soul.
Let’s see what happens next.

A delicate balance, between

what the mind wants
and the heart desires

You are invited

To follow me on my journey

This normal girl who led a trivial life, untagling between a classic job, the need for adventure, a lot of hobbies and the desire to throw everything out of the window and change everything for good.

One world

Many discoveries

time lapse photography of city during night time


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person hiking above mountain overlooking river


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photo of silhouette photo of man standing on rock


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person sitting on top of gray rock overlooking mountain during daytime


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woman doing yoga meditation on brown parquet flooring


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Some pictures

Say more than a thousand words

Never stop learning

Some life lessons learned on the road

Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Mahatma Gandhi
It’s not necessary to be like everybody else and meet other people’s expectations
Remember that sometimes not getting what you want, is a wonderful stroke of luck
Dalai Lama
When it hurts, observe. Life is trying to teach you something